JANUARY 2025 Astro-Column


JANUARY 8, Wednesday, at 7pm ET:  I will start COURSE II on Progressions and Transits in Medical Astrology.  It is a stand-alone course so you do not need to have taken Course I – but it helps and I will not review material from Course I.  www.astrocollege.org  The course may not be posted yet but you can write to one of the board members.

JANUARY 2025 Phenomena:


Septiles between the personal planets generally favor intuitive insights.  See article on my website on Multi-Dimensional Phenomena.  There was a minor cluster on June 6 – it was actually June 5 when I attended a King Tut exhibition but, on the 6th, I wore my Egyptian jewelry and connected with a past life.


FYI – when I first started reading the Edgar Cayce books, I felt that I had a strong connection with Egypt at that time.  Later, I felt that I knew Moses and the Exodus.  I also felt that I knew my friend, Rose, in that lifetime when she was in the Pharoh’s court.


On my last trip to Poland, when there was a powerful Septile Cluster, I saw a Nazi soldier walking in a Riese tunnel.  I will never forget how he looked.

NOTE:  he Septile clusters in January through March are rather light-weight because there are no Septile Clusters involving septiles from the Outer Planets.

JANUARY 12-13:  Mercury forms septiles to Mars and Chiron so it marks a time to channel action from your Higher Self and to follow your heart in decision making.

JANUARY 31:  Mercury forms Septiles to Venus and Neptune so this is a very creative period for all artistic or inspired work


MAJOR EVENTS FOR JANUARY 2025 – For Transiting Retrogrades, see www.lynnkoiner.com  Not all dates have not been updated but the interpretation is correct.

JANUARY 3:  Mars R is out of bounds and opposes Pluto, warning that you not allow yourself to be pressured into doing something that you later regret.

JANUARY 5-6:  Mars retrogrades back into Cancer

JANUARY 13:  Full Moon at 23 Cancer at 5:27 pm ET

JANUARY 29:  New Moon at 9 Aquarius at 7:36 am ET

JANUARY 30:  Uranus turns Direct at 23 Taurus


GOOD DATES/PERIODS for JANUARY 2025 – All times are ET – There are very few good dates in January.

This is a difficult month since Mars is Retrograde – December 5 2024 through February 23-24 2025.  Mars R is not as difficult as Mercury (which is now Direct).  It does not favor anything mechanical.

I have articles on my website on the transiting Retrogrades so you have to go to www.lynnkoiner.com

JANUARY 8-9:  The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and it forms a series of excellent aspects from January 8 at 6am ET until January 9 at 5:30pm ET.  This is an excellent period for all practical affairs.  The last aspect is a favorable aspect to Mars Retrograde.  This favors a returning to something or someone from the past.  This is the BEST DAY for January.

JANUARY 23:  The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio (the Moon is always strong in a Water sign, even though this is said to be its Fall).  There is a brief period from 5-7pm ET when the Moon trines Neptune and Mercury trines Uranus R.  Mercury-Uranus R favors intuitive flashes and problem solving.  Neptune urges you to go with the flow and listen to your Higher Self or Spirit Guide.

JANUARY 28:  The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn and until 10:45am ET, the Moon makes a series of excellent aspects.  The Moon trines Uranus and sextile the Venus-Neptune conjunction.  This is an excellent period for all creative endeavors and spiritual relationships.

FEBRUARY 1:  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it makes wonderful aspects until 5pm ET.  Venus-Neptune in Pisces and the Moon ends with a crossing of these 2 planets around 5pm ET.  This is an excellent time for al creative endeavors, escaping in a positive way, spiritual relationships and spiritual activities.

NOTE TO READER: These dates are based upon electional techniques.  All of the Moon sign dates apply to everyone.  Do not simply read your own Moon sign – read all of the signs for what I say about the specific dates. The Moon sign information will NOT describe the day, only the outcome if you initiate something important on that day.  Favorable periods are in Bold Print.


* CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):   Financial matters will be at the forefront of your interests and activities this month.  A woman who is successful in business may be beneficial to you this month, although it is a better time to watch your resources grow rather than engage in major spending.  This is also a month when your wish can be granted – MAKE THAT WISH NOW!

         JANUARY 28:  The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn and, until 10:45am ET, the Moon makes a series of excellent aspects.  The Moon trines Uranus and sextiles the Venus-Neptune conjunction.  This is an excellent period for all creative endeavors and spiritual relationships.

* AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17):    You will receive an important message this month.  You will find yourself working on a major project.  While you will be “on top” of these activities, the work will be difficult and challenging.  By month’s end, you should finish the task.

          JANUARY 1-2:  The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and there will be many connections for you during this period.  However, the ending will be stressful with a sudden disruption that unexpectedly impacts the matter initiated.  Afterwards, you may start something new that will be stressful – seek a mentor to assist you.

          JANUARY 29:  The Moon returns to Aquarius.  After 3pm ET on the 28th, the Moon actually enters Aquarius.  It starts out with something totally new and you may feel a bit overwhelmed – seek out a mentor to assist you.  There will be several connections and all seems well until the ending aspect at 6:28am ET on the 30th.  The Moon ends with a square to Uranus and a sudden disruption will affect a negative change.

* PISCES (February 18-March 19):    If you find yourself feeling sad or depressed, it is likely to be Seasonal Effective Disorder.  You are urged to go where there is sunshine and warm weather – at least, take D3.  Research has shown that we need more D3 than is normally prescribed. Lots of work and projects this month but you will definitely be “on top” of everything.

          JANUARY 3-early 5:  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces where it initially squares Jupiter so expectations are met with disappointment.  Saturn will cause many delays and “red tape” that ties you up.  The last aspects are a square to Mercury and conjunct Neptune.  A disagreement will result from misunderstandings and then matter will just fizzle out.

          FEBRUARY 1:  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it makes wonderful aspects until 5pm ET.  Venus-Neptune in Pisces and the Moon ends with a crossing of these 2 planets around 5pm ET.  This is an excellent time for al creative endeavors, escaping in a positive way, spiritual relationships and spiritual activities.

* ARIES (March 19-April 19):   You will probably receive an important message this month.  It may be from a man, in business, who is experiencing deception.  The problem person is of a much lower station so he cannot see what is really going on.  This is a month to allow your resources to grow.  No major spending now.

          JANUARY 5-7:  The Moon is in the sign of Aries and there are many difficult aspects if you initiate now.  Mars changes into a difficult sign, Cancer.  Something may be dropped for something now very good.  Mercury square Neptune indicates deception and errors in judgment from not knowing all of the facts.  There will be no support from one in authority and the ending will be through an argument and conflict.  Pick another day to initiate.

* TAURUS (April 20-May 20):  As with many others, you too will receive an important message this month.  This may be the beginning of a great awakening – talents, insights and aspirations will awaken due to some spiritual calling.  You will be drawn to activities that are more spiritual or humanitarian.

          JANUARY 8-9:  The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and it forms a series of excellent aspects from January 8 at 6am ET until January 9 at 5:30pm ET.  This is an excellent period for all practical affairs.  The last aspect is a favorable aspect to Mars Retrograde.  This favors a returning to something or someone from the past.  This is the BEST DAY for January.

* GEMINI (May 21-June 20):  Messages and people will be prominent this month.  Actually, people are always prominent in our lives but this is more significant.  One is an industrious young person who is wiling to work.  Then, there is a woman with strong opinions, possibly in legal matters or advocacy work.  From these associations, new ideas for new projects will manifest.

          JANUARY 10-11:  The Moon is in the sign of Gemini making all difficult aspects.  This is definitely NOT a time to initiate anything of importance. The afflictions between Gemini and Pisces indicate much instability and fluctuations that impede success.  With delays and “red tape,” the matter or project will just fizzle out from Neptune.

* CANCER (June 21-July 22):   This is a month for you to act as a Spiritual Seeker – a seeker of wisdom, insight and meaning in your life.  Find a balance in your life with work, obligations and your spiritual life.  There is a warning – exercise caution and patience in your dealings with others.  If you say or do something that hurts feelings, karma will come back to you.  Kindness should be the theme, even with annoying people.

          JANUARY 12-13:  The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and it starts out with great aspects.  Unfortunately, in the end, the Full Moon opposes Mars that is Retrograde and out of bounds.  Obstacles appear out of nowhere and thwart your efforts.

* LEO (July 23-August 22):   This is a month for inspiration and new ideas – well, not a time to act on those ideas but to use the force of your Will to manifest when the time is right.  You have all of the skills and force of nature to manifest anything that your heart desires – but you must focus that Will.  It is a time to make plans for the future – and this may involve travel.

          JANUARY 14-15:  The Moon is in the sign of Leo and, while the Moon’s aspects are not totally difficult, the ending aspects are Sun opposing Mars R in Cancer ending with a Moon-Uranus square.  There can be a conflict with one in authority.  This leads to a sudden disruption and an obstacle that comes out of nowhere – the unexpected.

* VIRGO (August 23-September 22):    There will be a sense of fulfillment this month.  You may feel more social with more pleasurable interactions with others.  There is a powerful Guardian Angel working with you this month.  That Spirit is directing an important person into your life.  This is an excellent month to plan for the future, especially regarding distant travel.

          JANUARY 16-18:  The Moon is in the sign of Virgo.  While there are many oppositions (conflicts) this month, even having something fizzle out, the last aspect is a trine to the Sun.  This often indicates help or support from one in authority.

* LIBRA (September 23-October 22):   This month, in some area of your life, you will feel victorious.  There will be an awakening in your life – you will become aware of talents, a connection with spirit or insights about yourself.  By month’s end, there will be some type of social gathering or celebration.  This will be a social month.  Even if you are shy, some accolade will give you confidence.

          JANUARY 19-20:  The Moon is in Libra now and, while the Moon’s aspects on the 19th are favorable, by the 20th there will be squares to Mercury and Mars.  The matter will end in a crisis with disagreements and disputes.

* SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):   There may be an interest in medical or psychological subjects this month.  If you are a cat owner, watch their diet this month.  There is a strong woman around you – this could even be a person who likes cats.  This woman can benefit you in some way.  You feel a surge of enthusiasm and you will accomplish a lot as a result.

         JANUARY 23:  The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio (the Moon is always strong in a Water sign, even though this is said to be its Fall).  There is a brief period from 5-7pm ET when the Moon trines Neptune and Mercury trines Uranus R.  Mercury-Uranus R favors intuitive flashes and problem solving.  Neptune urges you to go with the flow and listen to your Higher Self or Spirit Guide.

* SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20):    You will be finishing up tasks this month – this is a letting go period for you.  You may feel bonded or obligated to a situation or person but this may have become toxic.  It is a time to let go.  Good news – there will be a celebration this month and some type of social gathering.

          JANUARY 24-25:  The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius.  This period is fraught with difficult aspects – delays, obstacles, hurt feelings, extra costs – ending with the matter fizzling out.  Pick another day to initiate anything that is important.

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