In Course III of my medical curriculum of The International Academy of Astrology, I devote one class to this disorder.  I classify ADHD as ADD Type 1, of which there are six types in all.  Course III is devoted to issues connected with the Frontal Lobe of the Brain (Element of Fire and Neurotransmitter Dopamine) and the Pre-Frontal Cortex (ruled by Saturn as this part of the brain does not mature until the first Saturn Return).  I cannot discuss all 6 types of ADD in this article but I can discuss the main astrological signatures.

ADD/ADHD was first described in medical literature as early as 1902.  Today it affects 6% of the population.  People with ADD are not hyperactive but people with ADHD are hyperactive.  ADD is more prominent with females; ADHD is prominent with males.

From the Healthy Place medical channel, they state that “both acronyms ADD and ADHD, attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, refer to a hereditary biochemical disorder that impedes a person’s ability to perform to his or her full potential. The symptoms show up in childhood and often carry on into adolescence and adulthood, causing problems in virtually all areas of life.

Generally, this is a condition that is characterized by a short attention span, hyperactivity and poor concentration.  While of normal or above average intelligence, there is impairment in perception, language, memory and motor skills.  There is increased impulsivity and decreased emotional liability.

This disorder creates serious social problems:


The harder these people try to focus, to concentrate and pay attention the worse the condition becomes for them.  Brain-imaging studies show that when people with ADD/ADHD try to concentrate the part of the brain involved with concentration and follow-through actually shuts down, just when the need it to turn on.  That is, the current research with ADD shows that there is an under-stimulation of the PreFrontal Cortex when concentration occurs.

Like arthritis (which has 13 different types and causes), I feel that ADD has different astrological signatures.  In this article, I can only discuss Type 1 (ADHD) and Type 2 (ADD)

Type 1. Classic ADD (ADHD) — inattentive, distractible, disorganized, hyperactive, restless, and impulsive.  More often in males.  As colicky children, over-active children, the parents have a difficult time bonding with these children (Libra – Oxytocin deficiency).  Low self-esteem because they feel different and they do not fit in.

SIGNATURES:  This can possibly be connected with a weak Saturn and some out of bounds planets, such as Moon, Mercury, Mars Jupiter or Uranus.


Type 2. Inattentive ADD — inattentive and easily distracted, but not hyperactive; sluggish, slow moving, low motivation, and often described as space cadets, daydreamers, couch potatoes.  More often in females.  This type is very responsive to treatment.

SIGNATURES:  This can be associated with Neptune and Planets in the Cadent Houses.  I have Mercury in the 12th 45 degrees from Neptune and I tend to tune out a lot and I have difficulty concentrating, if something is not mentally stimulating.

With a weak Saturn, there was poor structuring at home.  I developed a pattern of tuning out of my mother’s anger and rages.  My father did the same.

Mars-Neptune causes the sluggishness when a parent continually sabotaged the individual’s energy, initiative and desire to accomplish.

When reading about this Type, I connected it with Taurus/Libra.  These can be lazy signs.  Procrastination, timing/being on time and tuning out are often problems.

The Dietary Protocol for Type 1 should be followed here.  I would add that they need an interest that fires them up mentally – astrology did this for me!

IMPORTANT BREAKTHROUGH:  In the newsletter (subscription only but a great investment), a study in Finland used the basis of the probiotic recommendation to prevent childhood eczema (and food allergies) to research the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders.  In the study, 10 billion cells of Lactobacillus were given daily to pregnant women for 4 weeks prior to delivery date.  Then, the probiotic was given to the infant for 6 months (and the mother if breast feeding).

In a follow up after 13 years, NO CHILD ON PROBIOTICS developed ADHD or Asperger Syndrome.  In the placebo group, 17% developed these conditions!



GENERAL SIGNATURES OF ADD:  The above chart is a good example of these signatures

The Pre-Frontal Cortex, ruled by Saturn, is the vital region of the brain regulates thought in terms of both short-term and long-term decision making. It allows humans to plan ahead and create strategies, and also to adjust actions or reactions in changing situations.  Additionally, the PFC helps to focus thoughts, which enables people to pay attention, learn, and concentrate on goals. This area is also the part of the brain that allows humans to consider several different yet related lines of thinking when learning or evaluating complex concepts or tasks.


The influence of Saturn has also been observed by Gayle Geffner in her publication, ASTROLOGICAL MARKERS FOR ADD & ADHD.  Our research was conducted independently.   One possible connection with Saturn is poor discipline and structuring so that the child cannot focus – but this is not the only cause.

Parental abuse, being struck in the head, has been linked to criminal behavior and ADHD.


 TYPE 1 – ADHD or Attention Deficit-Hyper Activity:

This is a chart for a young boy whose behavior changed overnight after receiving his childhood disease inoculation.  The Mercury-based injection pushed his body over the edge.  These inoculations have often been suspected in some cases of ADHD and this is definitely one of those causes.  Today, the inoculations cover over 80 different health issues and this can over-whelm a child’s body.  Many parents are now opting to give the inoculations later in the child’s age and over a longer period of time.

The powerful astrological aspects occurring at that time he developed ADHD were:

His grandmother had him tested for food intolerances.  He only ate organic foods.  His ADHD had to be controlled with medication.  Without it, he could not control himself and he was miserable.  Around the age of 10, his involvement in sports helped with his concentration.

Transiting Saturn in Libra-Scorpio trined his Air sign planets and then his Water sign planets.  He also transferred from a noisy public school to a very quiet Catholic School, helping his concentration.  His self-esteem improved, going from a “bad boy” in public school to the teachers’ pet in Catholic school.

His Jupiter in Cancer is Out Of Bounds.  Jupiter rules our sense of moderation and proportion.  With a Beginning Moon, he is learning the manifest emotions and impulse control in this lifetime.

I know there were initial bonding issues with the parents.  They just did not know how to take care of a baby.  He was nutritionally deprived until the grandparents stepped in and took over.  His mother is involved with his sports, where he excels and he has become a Little League champion.  The Moon is afflicted with Saturn and square Ceres (the lack of nurturing from the mother) and Uranus.

Gayle Geffner says that such children do extremely well in sports and that a career working with small children is best suited to their “attention” issues – small children have a very short attention span in general.  I have observed them as doing well in sales.  Another child scored high was skills as an airplane pilot.



Pregnant women need to be especially careful because eating fish that contain even low levels of mercury can increase the risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in offspring.  This can be confusing for mothers to be because there are also several other types of fish during pregnancy may protect against the disorder.

A cohort study of almost 400 children showed that the risk for inattention and impulsivity at the age of 8 years was significantly associated with maternal mercury levels and as the mercury levels increased, so did risk.

The study was conducted between 1993 and 1998.  788 infants from Massachusetts were enrolled in the study which was designed to assess a possible link between exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and neurodevelopment.

Soon after birth, hair samples were collected from the mothers and analyzed for mercury levels. The mothers also filled out a questionnaire regarding fish consumption during pregnancy.

At 8-year follow-up, 421 of these children were assessed for possible ADHD behaviors and the results showed that not only was mercury exposure associated with inattention and impulsivity/hyperactivity, but the risk for these behaviors increased with maternal hair mercury levels.  The threshold for first association with ADHD symptoms appeared to be at least 1 μg/g or more of mercury.  In addition, these associations were more notable in boys than girls.

NOTE:  From this research, it is recommended that pregnant women take only high quality Omega-3 supplements, fish from which all toxins have been removed.   In the subject above, the mother eats LOTS of fish!





The research in Finland showed that adding Probiotics to the diet eliminated any ADHD-ADD-Asperbergers-Autism.

More recent observations have found that such people lack a good bacteria called L.Reutori, especially in cases of Autism.  My theory on Twins, where one is normal and other has autism is that the larger Twin is greedy and absorbs the good bacteria.

  1. Reutori probably should be purchased refrigerated. It is an anti-inflammatory bacteria. High inflammation levels (C-Reactive Protein test and MTHFR test).  This probiotic plus an absorbable B supplement such as Neuro-Biologix NEURO-IMMUNE STABLIZER (rub in twice daily) can help with this.

Certain health issues are shown to have excessively high inflammation levels due to an inability to metabolize B vitamins.

Recently, my doctor told me that babies delivered by C-Section have a high incidence of immune deficiency disorders, such as asthma, allergies, depression and some congenital disorders.  They have discovered that, as the baby is coated with the mother’s good bacteria in the birth canal, they baby becomes protected and this boosts the baby’s immune system.  Some hospitals are now applying good bacteria to the baby’s body after the C-Section.  There are probiotic that impact moods such as L. Helveticus and B. Longum.  These do take a long time to work.