Check my website at www.lynnkoiner.com for a copy of this column mailed privately

FEBRUARY 24, MONDAY at 7pm EST:  COURSE SIX – Medical Astrology, Water Signs and the Occipital Lobe of the Brain

Prerequisite:  You need to have taken Courses I and II.  Courses 3-6 do not have to be taken in order.


FEBRUARY 2025 Phenomena:


Septiles between the personal planets generally favor intuitive insights.  See article on my website on Multi-Dimensional Phenomena.  There was a minor cluster on June 6 – it was actually June 5 when I attended a King Tut exhibition but, on the 6th, I wore my Egyptian jewelry and connected with a past life.


FYI – when I first started reading the Edgar Cayce books, I felt that I had a strong connection with Egypt at that time.  Later, I felt that I knew Moses and the Exodus.  I also felt that I knew my friend, Rose, in that lifetime when she was in the Pharoh’s court.


On my last trip to Poland, when there was a very powerful Septile Cluster, I saw a Nazi soldier walking in a Riese tunnel.  I will never forget how he looked and the clothes that he wore.

NOTE:  The Septile clusters in January through March are rather light-weight because there are no Septile Clusters involving septiles from the Outer Planets.

FEBRUARY 3-4: Sun & Mercury forms septiles to Mars and Uranus so it marks a time to channel action from your Higher Self, using mental flashes from the Higher Self.

FEBRUARY 13:  Mercury forms aspects to Jupiter and Chiron.  These aspects favor intuitive writing and communication, especially following inspiration by following your heart in decision-making.

FEBRUARY 15-16:  Sun & Mercury favor Eris, Chiron and Jupiter.  These septiles favor communications, following your heart in decision-making and the process of seeking to know who you really are.  This is a good transformational period.

MAJOR EVENTS FOR FEBRUARY 2025 – For Transiting Retrogrades, see www.lynnkoiner.com  Not all dates have not been updated but the interpretation is correct.

If a planet changes direct conjunct a natal planet, this is a powerful signature.

FEBRUARY 4:  Jupiter turns Direct at 11 Gemini

FEBRUARY 12:  Full Moon at 24 Leo at 8:53am EST

FEBRUARY 23:  Mars turns Direct at 17 Cancer

FEBRUARY 27:  Crises New Moon at 9 Pisces at 7:45 pm EST (see end of this column)

MARCH 1:  Venus turns Retrograde at 10 Aries


GOOD DATES/PERIODS for FEBRUARY 2025 – All times are ET – There are very few good dates in January.

This could be a difficult period since Mars is Retrograde – December 5 2024 through February 23-24 2025.  Mars R is not as difficult as Mercury (which is now Direct).  It does not favor anything mechanical.  If you need a new car, rent one or get loads of insurance for at least a year.

I have articles on my website on the transiting Retrogrades so you have to go to www.lynnkoiner.com

FEBRUARY 1:  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it makes wonderful aspects until 5pm ET.  Venus-Neptune in Pisces and the Moon ends with a crossing of these 2 planets around 5pm ET.  This is an excellent time for al creative endeavors, escaping in a positive way, spiritual relationships and spiritual activities.

FEBRUARY 5:  The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and, from 4am to 10:15pm ET, it will favor Saturn, Mars and end with a sextile to Neptune.  Around 2pm ET, the Moon opposes Uranus.  This would favor astrology and inventiveness but it could be suddenly disruptive.  Exercise caution.  With Neptune, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

FEBRUARY 9-10:  The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and, from 2:50pm on the 9th until 8:30 am ET on the 10th, it forms a trine to Saturn, a parallel to Mars, a sextile to Uranus and, finally, a trine to Neptune.  The Moon rules Cancer so this is a propitious period for initiating.   With Neptune, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

FEBRUARY 17:  The Moon is in the sign of Libra and, until 6:20pm ET, it parallels Mercury-Sun denoting a permanent “coming together” or alliance.  It ends with a trine to the Sun at 29 degrees – this is an Ending Period for drawing something to a successful conclusion with the help of one in authority.

FEBRUARY 18 (after 8pm ET) until 5am ET on the 19th:  The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio.  This is a weak and minor period when there is only a trine to Neptune.  Actually, the aspects are excellent on the 18th until 6:47 pm on the 19th when the Moon opposes Uranus – this marks a disruptive period with a sudden breaking off of a relationship.   With Neptune as an Ending aspect, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

FEBRUARY 24:  The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn – the Moon is actually strong in Earth signs.  From 2 am until 10:20pm ET, the Moon makes all favorable aspects to Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and ending with a sextile to Neptune.  This period favors practical affairs, organization and inspiration.  With Neptune as an Ending aspect, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.  This period favors all humanitarian activities.

FEBRUARY 28 (all day):  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces again and it makes all favorable aspects until it ends with a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.  There is a conjunction with Saturn so there may be delays but these may give you time and work to your benefit.  This marks an important period for humanitarian activities and spiritual work.

NOTE TO READER: These dates are based upon electional techniques.  All of the Moon sign dates apply to everyone.  Do not simply read your own Moon sign – read all of the signs for what I say about the specific dates. The Moon sign information will NOT describe the day, only the outcome if you initiate something important on that day.  Favorable periods are in Bold Print.


* CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):   A prosperous woman may benefit you in some way this month.  The most important part of February is that you will find “safe passage” away from a difficult situation.  Do not mourn what is lost.  This belongs to the past.  Look at what you have.  Turn around and move forward.

          FEBRUARY 24:  The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn – the Moon is actually strong in Earth signs.  From 2 am until 10:20pm ET, the Moon makes all favorable aspects to Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and ending with a sextile to Neptune.  This period favors practical affairs, organization and inspiration.  With Neptune as an Ending aspect, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.  This period favors all humanitarian activities.

* AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17):    You may be confronted with many choices this month but you are best served by selecting the spiritual option.  You will be quite busy this month but it is more enjoyable than stressful.  You may be dealing with one who is aloof and unapproachable emotionally.  Do not waste your time with any appeal.

          The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius on February 25 until 5pm ET on the 26th.  The Moon actually makes favorable aspects until the 26th when it squares Uranus.  Something unexpected and undesirable occurs to disrupt the ending of your project.  Obstacles come as a surprise.  People no longer get along.

* PISCES (February 18-March 19):    This is not a Spending month.  Allow your resources to grow.  Others might come across as being stingy.  Yet, this is an excellent month to follow your heart and take a leap of faith in some pursuit.

          FEBRUARY 1:  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it makes wonderful aspects until 5pm ET.  Venus-Neptune in Pisces and the Moon ends with a crossing of these 2 planets around 5pm ET.  This is an excellent time for al creative endeavors, escaping in a positive way, spiritual relationships and spiritual activities.

          FEBRUARY 28 (all day):  The Moon is in the sign of Pisces again and it makes all favorable aspects until it ends with a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.  There is a conjunction with Saturn so there may be delays but these may give you time and work to your benefit.  This marks an important period for humanitarian activities and spiritual work.

IMPORTANT: Do not commence anything on February 26-27 as there is a Crises New Moon.

* ARIES (March 19-April 19):   You may find yourself dealing with someone who is rigid, unyielding and who holds onto his money tightly.  Do not tolerate what makes you unhappy.  This is an Ending Cycle month for you so take the “high road” and walk away from the situation.  It is important for you to take a trip, to get away from your usual surroundings so that you can gain a new perspective.

          The Moon is in the sign of Aries on February 2 until 5am ET on the 3rd.  The Moon makes excellent aspects on the 2nd but it ends on the 3rd with a square to Mars in Cancer R.  Do not allow your emotions to get you to speak or act impulsively.  Back off from a confrontation – do not let the situation get out of hand.  For example, if someone writes something on your Facebook page that irritates you, just delete it or let it go.

* TAURUS (April 20-May 20):  The stresses will be small this month – do not let them to waste your time.  Treat yourself royally – a spa day, retail therapy…anything that allows you to be kind to yourself.  In your work, you will feel victorious.  You may receive some accolades.

          FEBRUARY 5:  The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and, from 4am to 10:15pm ET, it will favor Saturn, Mars and end with a sextile to Neptune.  Around 2pm ET, the Moon opposes Uranus.  This would favor astrology and inventiveness but it could be suddenly disruptive.  Exercise caution.  With Neptune, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

* GEMINI (May 21-June 20):   Your world is about to change but change can be for the better.  Due to the action of your Guardian Angel, an important relationship will come into your life.  Abundance will come if you allow your resources to grow.  Do not take financial risks.

          The Moon is in the sign of Gemini on February 6-7.  It makes great aspects on the 6th but it ends with a square to Saturn-Neptune.  Everything fizzles out in the end due to delays and “red tape” that ties everything up.

* CANCER (June 21-July 22):   There is a Leo around you who needs a little attention – his pride has been hurt.  You are very much an empath so you can get a little despondent because you feel for others too much.  Take care of yourself and do not let others make you feel guilty for doing so.  Not paying attention can cause poor planning and organization.  Something important may get left behind.

          FEBRUARY 9-10:  The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and, from 2:50pm on the 9th until 8:30 am ET on the 10th, it forms a trine to Saturn, a parallel to Mars, a sextile to Uranus and, finally, a trine to Neptune.  The Moon rules Cancer so this is a propitious period for initiating.   With Neptune, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

* LEO (July 23-August 22):   You will receive an important message this month and everything will start to change.  It has already started but you need to receive the message.  Your world is about to change but change can be good.

          The Moon is in the sign of Leo beginning at 12pm ET on February 10 and continues through 2pm ET on the 12th.  This is a very difficult day to commence anything.  Uranus is unexpectedly disruptive.  The Full Moon conjunct Mercury causes problems with someone in authority and a separative disagreement.

* VIRGO (August 23-September 22):    Emotional support will be offered this month.  Accept any assistance graciously.  This is a transitional period for you – a passing away of an old order.  You will find yourself dealing with people in authority.  Do not show resistance.

          The Moon is in the sign of Virgo on February 13-14.  This is a difficult period with an opposition to Saturn and Neptune so delays will cause the matter to fizzle out.  Mercury leaves a strong sign and goes into a weak sign.  Someone will leave a good position for something less fortunate.

* LIBRA (September 23-October 22):   Things start off with a sudden, unexpected surprise.  Just roll with events.  You will have to make some strict decisions but the month, fortunately, ends with a celebration.

          FEBRUARY 17:  The Moon is in the sign of Libra and, until 6:20pm ET, it parallels Mercury-Sun denoting a permanent “coming together” or alliance.  It ends with a trine to the Sun at 29 degrees – this is an Ending Period for drawing something to a successful conclusion with the help of one in authority.

* SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):   You may find that there is an awakening of some inner talent or spirituality.  There is someone around you who is emotionally detached – this person will be unavailable to your needs.  Through hard work, you will successfully finish up important tasks.

          FEBRUARY 18 (after 8pm ET) until 5am ET on the 19th:  The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio.  This is a weak and minor period when there is only a trine to Neptune.  Actually, the aspects are excellent on the 18th until 6:47 pm on the 19th when the Moon opposes Uranus – this marks a disruptive period with a sudden breaking off of a relationship.   With Neptune as an Ending aspect, a Spirit Guide can direct help for you unexpectedly.  You succeed when you just go with the flow and do not try to control an outcome.

* SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20):    Stresses will be minor so “do not sweat the small stuff.”  Allow your resources to grow so it is not a big spending month.  There will be some type of celebration this month – something connected to a relationship.

          The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius from February 20 until 3:30pm on the 22nd.  The Moon forms a long series of hard aspects forming a Mutable T-Square.  Anything commenced at this time will be fraught with instability and stressful vicissitudes.  Pick another day.

CRISES LUNATIONS:  https://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html


Crises New Moon Periods:  February 28, March 29, April 27 (exact) and May 27 2025


Crises Full Moon Periods:  October 7, November 5, December 4 2025 and January 3 (2026)


NOTE:  In my experiences with the Crises Lunations, I find that there is a cycle of 4 months rather than 3.   But, you will only be impacted by 1 of these lunations, not all.


Crises Lunation periods occurs when, at the time that the Moon is New or Full, the Moon is physically very close to the earth. This closeness-lunation parallel will amplify our emotional reactions, bringing matters to a crisis point. This Crises Moon period usually begins about one week before the New/Full Moon and lasts several days afterward.

I find that you are only affected by one of the Crises Moon periods, usually one that falls close to a natal planet.

When a crisis arises, my advice is always to “stay calm, relax and make no impulsive decisions for at least a week.” The most critical are eclipses. The most potent occurred on April 15, 1995, because it occurred at the time of a Lunar Eclipse.

Of course, the event it portended was the Oklahoma City bombing as the Eclipse fell on the ASC/DESC axis over that city. The WTC/Pentagon attack occurred within a wide orb of a Crisis Lunation. The US invaded Iraq on a Crisis Full Moon in March 2003.

I remember one example – a father called about his daughter who had run away from home about 4 days before the CFM. I told him what was occurring and that he should wait for about a week and she would likely return home….and she did. After the effects of the CFM were over, she became rational again. Hormones and a CFM are not a good mix!

During the year, there are generally 4 Crisis New Moons and 4 Crisis Full Moons. There is usually only ONE of these CFMs that hits you — generally, not all of them … and you cannot always tell which one it is going to be.

When it hits, you go crazy and your emotions are magnified. But, when the Moon begins to move away from the earth, we calm down. I am a Virgo so a rational explanation is very satisfying for me. If I know that I am feeling this way because of some astrological/astronomical configuration, it makes it seem OK and I feel much better.

I first noticed this lunation in the early 1970s when my grandfather was in a nursing home. I saw that there were certain lunations in which the patients, called the Walkers, would pace more than usual. At that time, all I had was the Farmers Almanac to determine what was going on with the Moon. At first, I only used the Full Moon. Many years later, I saw that another astrologer, Richard Nolle, used the Perigee New Moon…and he is absolutely correct. These work the same.


PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: Full Moon: The Full Moon of July 3 2012 was 2 days away from perigee. It seemed like the worst Crises Lunation to me with the horrible storm, loss of power and the loss of my beautiful Yard Tractor when a huge tree fell on it, crushing all but the headlights.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: On April 25 2013, the Perigee Moon occurred at the time of the lunar eclipse. This has been a terrible time with fires, explosions and political crises. Around May 25, another eclipse, bridges collapsed and earthquakes brought destruction. Personally, I have had health issues around these eclipses and mechanical problems – a DVD got stuck in my TV with a DVD combo and then a CD got stuck in my car CD player (at least, the car is still on warranty).

Full Moon: I have been experiencing endocrine-related health issues since last November (2012). After finding a wonderful doctor and feeling much improved, the July 20 2013 Full Moon brought a big-time relapse for reasons I do not understand. It could have been stress-related – the impending county fair, a friend visiting, and NCGR conference – but I improved by August 13.

Full Moon: The Full Moon Crises Lunation of August 21 2013 was the one that hit me with a vengeance. I am a very cautious driver and, on the 20th, despite wonderful transits and progressions in my chart for this period, I had a very bad accident pulling out of the visitors’ center in Wildwood New Jersey. I was so cautious pulling out because the road visibility was poor. A truck filled with young people, who were obviously speeding, hit my car. If the good aspects helped, the worse did not happen. We were fine, no damage to the truck (the driver claimed I did all kinds of damage but I clued the insurance company of what he was trying to pull and I had photos to prove my point), and the kind folks at the visitors’ center came out and helped tie the bumper back onto the car so that I could continue my trip. Everyone was so kind there. I learned on this trip that any visitors’ center can arrange discount rooms.

For the CFM of June 2014, my small female cat developed sinusitis. At first, the vet did not diagnose it properly so the medication I was giving her did not work. Finally, I just took the cat to stay over with the vet until he could observe her properly. This was a very stressful time when the cat was in crisis!

The October 8 2014 Crisis Lunation hit people closest to me – my partner had a second eye stroke from high blood pressure. We are hoping that his sight will return in early 2015 but he can no longer work – this is a big crisis!

One of my best friends hired a group to work on her house – they did nothing correctly and it was a disaster! And, because they did not speak much English, she could not tell them what she wanted.

The Crises New Moon of February 18 2015 was horrible and long lasting. What I thought was a sinus infection turned out to be a tooth issue and did not resolve easily or quickly. Enough said about this!

Just before the Crises Full Moon of August 29, 2015, I was served papers stating that I was being sued. I was traumatized. As I read the papers, the lawsuit was regarding a minor accident I had at the Crises Full Moon on August 21 2013 (see above). The only damage was to my car but the lawsuit states that he has suffered permanent disability and he will never be able to work again. A good friend, with a Stellium in Virgo in the 12th (she should have been a detective), researched Adam V. Walker on the internet.

The paper said that he “resides in Delmont NJ.” Delmont is the location of the state prison. He had been in jail for a year, filed the papers while in jail and he needed money for when he was up for parole on August 18 (papers filed on August 12). Yes, he will probably never be able to work with his criminal record. I was sent a list of New Jersey lawyers, thinking I would try to buy him off as opposed to calling my insurance company. It was handled by their fraud department and, if they simply call the jail warden, he may be heading back to jail to finish his sentence.  In the end, the judge threw out the case and I won.

The Crises Lunation for mid-September 2024 did not hit me but I felt the emotional reaction.  A close friend got caught in a scam.  Someone called to say that his iPhone was hacked – which it was not.  Actually, this person experienced 3 scams all within a short period.  The culprits did not get any money but it was stressful.

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