GLOBAL GATHERINGS VII— Kamnik Slovenia— November 20 2010
I first met Ema Kurent about 10 years ago when she invited me to stay at her home in Ljubljana. We connected through an astrological networking group, Conjunction. Ema is commercially a very successful astrologer as I have seen her Astrology Annuals sold at the post offices, even in remote villages in Slovenia. She is NOT a commercial astrologer, however. She has been practicing, teaching and writing for 20 years.
We met again at the Belgrade conference in 2003 where she lectured on the Progressed Moon. I felt that this was one of the best lectures that I have heard on this topic, as it is a specialty for me as well, and her considerations concur with my own. She thinks like me so, of course, she is brilliant!
Ema Kurent and I were both born with Mercury Station, Mercury having turned Direct only a few minutes before we were born. When a natal planet is station in the horoscope— an uncommon event— that planet will always be the most powerful, especially in directing the course of one’s life. Ema and I are both communicators in every sense.
While I have not observed my person timing of events, Ema has observed that she often starts new projects or activities exactly when Mercury transits a Station, sitting still so to speak, and just turning Direct. Even when she does not plan this timing, it often happens, the events just unfold as Mercury turns Direct.
Her husband has Mercury Retrograde and he always wants to buy his computer equipment or software when Mercury is retrograde— but, even though he was born with Mercury Retrograde, he still has to take it back and make changes in his purchases. It may be that the natal Mercury Retrograde portends a life of doing things over again and again until the individual learns a better sense of timing.
I have related a story from 1984 on my website under Retrogrades (natal). Our astrology group needed to organize a workshop given my Robert Hand— and all of the organizing had to be done when Mercury was Retrograde. It would be direct when he spoke. There were so many problems until our group president called all members with natal Mercury Retrograde and asked them to do the organizing during the retrograde period. With these people doing the work, all went smoothly. So, this is another side to the story.
Because an area of research for me is planets changing direction and signs by progression, Ema related a story of a client whose natal Venus turned Retrograde a few days after birth and later it turned Direct by progression.
When Venus turned Retrograde by progression, the little girl and a neighbor started “playing doctor,” as it is called in America. This seemed harmless enough at the time because they wanted to see what the opposite sex looked like, how they were different. Only when Venus turned Retrograde by progression (about 2 years later) did the person realize that this was wrong, that it went against her religious upbringing. When this child was in 2nd grade, she began to worry that she was pregnant— at the exact time that the progressed Venus was turning Retrograde.
The client confided that she lost everyone that she ever loved while the Progressed Venus was Retrograde. There was a divorce, another lover committed suicide or the relationships ended badly.
In later years, when this Progressed Venus turned Direct (crossing the natal Neptune), she developed a platonic relationship with another person. Ema wondered if the client kept the relationship platonic out of a fear of pregnancy, just as she had done as a child. Once again, the situation was a fantasy.
Ema told me that this client confided that she is now more confident, having greater courage to express her emotions and to tell others what her true emotional needs are. She is hoping that now there will be no more losses in her life. Platonic relationships may be a way not to lose the other person. Such a relationship can go on and on and never experience any problems. Once again, these issues are coming up— being a good girl, not getting pregnant yet being more open and relaxed in her relationship with her husband.
Several years ago, I heard Sandra Leigh Serio lecture on progressed retrogrades— planets changing direction by progression. Since this is a topic of my own personal research, I was very interested to hear her observations. She said that events that occurred when Venus changed direction usually had a lifetime impact upon future relationships. I have my own article on this topic which I teach in my Medical Course II for the International Academy of Astrologers.
- I am the International Liaison for the National Council for Geocosmic Research. I promote membership in this organization— a membership that provides a vehicle for astrologers around the world to receive recognition internationally through writing anything from short posts in E-News to research articles in the Geocosmic Journal and the NCGR Research Journal. Different from other astrological organizations, the NCGR encourages the formation of Study Groups. In small countries, these groups offer a less expensive type of membership but all can gain recognition through sharing their work with other NCGR members. Perfect English is not required as I and others can edit any submission.
- Using Global Gatherings, I would like to visit astrologers around the world. I will gladly come and publicize the work of astrologers in other countries. If you are interested in a visit from me, please let me know. It is not always possible to visit every country but I will try. I am always in Europe in November.
Using Global Gatherings, I would like to visit astrologers around the world. I will gladly come and publicize the work of astrologers in other countries. If you are interested in a visit from me, please let me know. It is not always possible to visit every country but I will try. I am always in Europe in November.