From JUNE 26 through AUGUST 27 2018, the planet Mars will be in retrograde motion. This period is inappropriate for activities requiring the normal flow of Mars initiative. Using the constructive aspects of these transits, it is an excellent time to reinforce some aspect of our lives. This will be shown by the House position of this transit.
When Mars is retrograde, it depletes the vitality so that it is never a time to initiate. *Whoever initiates loses*— a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit, or an international war. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. With a hot romance, it too fizzles and it rarely gets to the altar. With an argument, the hostility will come back to haunt you later. In legal matters, stoke your opponent into initiating the lawsuit first. It will be etched in granite that they will lose. In an international war, whoever fires first will automatically lose or ultimately withdraw. Matters commenced while Mars is retrograde will be frustrated and plagued with disruptions until they finally fizzle out. At this time, people become irritated when activities do not run smoothly. The anger may disrupt indirectly and inappropriately – like getting a traffic ticket when you feel annoyed with your job.
During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down. A friend who owned a word processing service found this period to always be a disaster. During one retrograde cycle, the printer, the back-up printer and the rented printer all failed to work. When they finally got one that worked, the mailing labels printed but there was no ink! I often notice that the world needs a brake job when Mars in retrograde.
Those who have Aries or Scorpio strong in their horoscopes are dramatically affected by this shift in direction of their natural ruler. For Arians, they find themselves being less aggressive, less pushy and less impatient to have THEIR WAY in a situation. Both Mars-ruled types find themselves more inclined to sit back and review matters in a more detached or impersonal way. They feel more patient to wait on circumstances to unfold before they take action. These individuals may not recognize the anger they feel inside. They may express an unusual passiveness while under fire because they need too much processing time before they can retaliate. Only when Mars turns direct can they move the Mars energy forward.
For those who are NOT ruled by Mars, it may feel quite differently. They may feel more impatient to force matters to a conclusion, to get a project going or to take immediate action. This would be an unwise course of action! Remember, initiating or impulsively taking action will not work to your favor.
In GOOD DAYS ACTION PLANNING GUIDE, Mary Shea describes an ideal way to handle Mars retrograde. “You go back over situations (either in your mind or in reality), doing things again and again while making corrections in the way you handle events. While Mars is retrograde, you will be reviewing the way you handle anger, self-defense, self-motivation and sexual relationships… outward anger or conflicts may not be appropriate.†She rightfully feels that using passive-aggressive techniques, manipulation, arbitration or subtle power plays may be more appropriate at this time. “If you are normally non-assertive, you may be forced to defend yourself. Whatever your tactics, you must give thought to what you are doing. If your tactics do not work or they are inappropriate to the situation, your anger will continue to build while Mars is retrograde. You can expect the anger to manifest full-blown by the time Mars turns direct. If you have seriously wronged or angered another with…acts of aggression, you can expect the backlash as Mars turns direct.â€
When the 1997 Retrograde got underway in Libra and Virgo, I noticed that non-aggressive types seemed to now be intolerant of lazy people who waste their time. They were not willing to take action and eliminate the non-essential personnel. One Pisces man felt that it was a bad time for employees when it was actually a time when he had grown intolerant of intolerable work practices by irresponsible workers. In 1999, with Mars in Scorpio and Libra, I met many people from my past, people whom I had not seen in a long time. The connections were temporary. I found myself dealing with manipulative emotional outbursts in others but I reacted with calmness and just listened to what they had to say. In 2001, there were daily accidents on our Beltway, tying up traffic for miles. Other cities reported the same. McVeigh’s execution was postponed exactly as Mars went Retrograde which put the spotlight on John Doe #3 and #4 and a possible cover-up conspiracy.
When Mercury went Retrograde with Mars, a US and a British missile crashed upon launching. In 2003, at its Station, there was an unsuccessful coup in the Philippines. There were many terrorists bombings, including the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad. There were several oustings, referendums and resignations of political leaders during this cycle.
NOTE: During the last week of July 2018, Mars R in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Scorpio warning against over-reacting. You could take an action that is not what it is really about – for example, you may be angry at yourself and some decisions that you have made but you will project it onto someone else.