GLOBAL GATHERINGS XI: Beginning and Ending Planets

Jupiter-Uranus at the Ending Degrees of Pisces & and Discussion of Ending and Beginning Planets and how they work

During the end of my stay in Germany, the clues to the puzzle of what was happening in my life fell into place with my meeting with Christiane Noll, artist and art therapist.

I first met Christiane in 2008 in a very strange and bizarre circumstance. That year, during my travels through Bavaria, I was working directly with 2 groups of Spirit Guides – the Guardians of the Transformation and Transmutation of Energy and the Order of the White Azalea (Edelweiss in Bavaria). I was told NOT to travel to Berchtesgaden, Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, because there was a dangerous situation on that trip and I would not like the energies when I got there. I was furious! I told them that, if there was danger, it was their job to transmute the energy so that I would not be in any danger.

The trip from my hotel in Schwangau went perfectly. A courteous bus driver transferred my luggage from hell onto the next bus and the train going to Berchtesgaden was a very nice one. Then, all of a sudden — the train stopped. A long speech in German was given over the train speakers. I asked what was happening – it seems that the train in front of us, the one I would have taken if I arrived a little earlier in Munich, had just run over a man. My train was going nowhere. It was then that I met Christiane who, with her friend, carried my luggage from hell to the bus, where we would be taken to Traunstein, home of the current Pope. From there, I would have to go back to Munich and start all over again. I should add that, when I arrived in Berchtesgaden, I was horrified and none of the hotels were open. I made haste back to Mittenwald! The Guides were correct!

Christiane and I became fast friends. I understood art therapy and healing art which she called Embodied-Art. The word Embodied comes from the word Embodiment – to bring something non-visible from the cosmos to a form or into the material on Earth.

Later I would learn that she knew about astrology – so we have much in common. This trip was very fated indeed! I learned that, in painting her healing art, she would experience a disease and then paint its release and healing into a painting. She would work for each day for one month to project the healing energy into the art. I was especially interested in the “opening” energy for asthma and thyroid conditions. At our meeting, I purchased a t-shirt with the healing art for the thyroid and asthma.

Christiane told me that the process of creating a painting needs one month – this is the time that it needs to grow and to know each layer of the painting. While she works at least 2 hours each day on the painting, the “work” occurs not just in the studio but during the day and in her own development.

In November 2010, my plans were to interview Christiane about her work with embodied or healing art. But, before I embarked upon my trip, she contacted me and said that she was no longer connecting her art with healing issues. She said that she would explain when I visited Munich in November. To say the least, I was initially very disappointed! But, eventually, I would learn a great lesson from her decision, a lesson that would be invaluable to me.

We almost did not meet in November 2010 as my computer was having problems and I could not access some e-mail files or access the internet. Fortunately, Christiane wrote to me minutes before I left Mittenwald. I told her where I would be staying in Munich and we met Sunday evening, November 28.

NOTE: Christiane’s art can be viewed at

It was then that she told me the story of what was happening in her life and why she could no longer paint the embodied style of art. It all made perfect sense to me and it explained why I felt so lost and so disconnected on this trip. During most of this trip, except when I was with friends, I felt very lonely. I have never felt lonely when traveling alone in Europe. I did not understand what was going on or why this was all happening to me.

Christiane talked about how so much ending in her life since September. In September, the first Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurred in late degrees of Pisces, a cycle that will continue through February 2011. I realized that she had to let go of the former concept of embodied art. She confided that she does not want to be a guru who, through her explications of her art, connected people to her way of thinking and, perhaps, put boundaries onto their evolution. She accepted that she needed to let go of the themes that she associated with her art – she no longer wanted to be in the mood to paint themes of health or evolution. From my perspective, I realized that she would have to experience an illness or an “evolution” in order to paint the healing or evolutionary energy. She still paints but the style has changed and will continue to change as Uranus moves into Aries.

Jupiter-Uranus made its first alignment in June 2010 but this was at 0 degrees Aries, offering a preview of what is to come when Uranus enters Aries in March 2011. The September 2010 and January 2011 alignment occurred in the late degrees of Pisces, marking a great Ending Cycle. Christiane came to the realization that it was time to let go and begin on a new path for her self. This new attitude has impacted relationships, as well as her art. The theme of her new attitude towards relationships reminded me of the lecture by Jessica Sheppard in Vienna (see Global Gatherings V/5).

As she spoke, I realized that this is what has been happening to me as I traveled through Europe. When I made this realization, the sadness lifted from my spirit. Once I could see the purpose of my travels, I was no longer sad. I felt liberated!

In my relationships, I am growing tired of some of the behavior in others. Saturn is in Libra so this is a cycle for cooperation and reconciliation, not conflict.

I cannot continue schlepping through Europe in the same way. I need to go where there is a focus, a project, someone to interview or something specific to see.

I no longer want to be president of the local astrological organization. I need time to do my own work. I do want to continue to be actively involved with the group but being president is now burdensome. I need to let go, at least, for a time. NOTE: I love my Annapolis group (especially the Board members) very much and I only need a respite from the duties as president (announcing the speakers at every lecture). I will still write the newsletter and organize book donations.

I sadly found myself nixed from an annual astrological gathering. I have always loved lecturing for this well organized group, meeting old friends and forming new ones. But, this is very likely a sign that I need to free up the time to travel elsewhere, especially for these Global Gatherings.

The lost feeling that I have been experiencing is because I am changing but I cannot see what I am changing into. One of my Beginning Planets is Neptune. With an early degree Neptune, when a new cycle begins, the individual feels lost and disconnected – like a plane, circling the airport, waiting for instructions to land.

So, for all who read this, know that this is a time to let go, to shut the door on the past but the new will not be revealed until after Uranus enters Aries.

Natal Planets at 25-29 degrees show how and when we end cycles in our lives. When Outer Planets transit the late degrees of a sign (Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune in 2010-11), they trigger our Ending Planets, drawing some aspect of our lives to a conclusion. This occurs because we have outgrown the situation or relationship.

Natal Planets in late degrees generally stay in a situation until there is nothing left to extract. Only then does the individual shut the door and move on, with regard to the activities of the Ending Planet. This is most obvious with the Sun and Venus in late degrees (See Manual on Beginning & Ending Planets on my website).

I have Venus at 29 degrees in my 11th House. Because I grew up alone, on a farm and an only child, I value my friendships and it is very difficult for me to let them go. Only when the issues in the relationship reach a point of “critical mass” do I “shut the door.” Since Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998, however, I no longer end individual friendships but I do end my work with a group or a collective because I need to move on and do other things – my personal vision has shifted.

As I talked with Christiane and my clients, I see that many are ending relationships and their personal vision is, indeed, shifting. What Uranus will not end abruptly, Neptune will dissolve. Uranus stimulates the nadis in our etheric body. We, thus, feel wired, feeling, “If something does not change soon, I will go crazy!” The person either initiates change or the change happens to them. Neptune dissolves through ambivalence (losing interest and tuning out), disappointment and, under difficult transits, betrayal. All serve to end a cycle in our lives, situations that we have outgrown, so that we can move on.

I will add here that our Beginning Planets (0-5 degrees) show when and how we commence new cycles in our lives. Pluto transited the Beginning Degrees in 2009-10. When commencing something new under Pluto, we begin something totally new, something that we have not done before and this can be intensely stressful! This does not mean that the new is bad – it is merely the stress incurred when we stretch beyond our boundaries under Pluto.

When Pluto squared my 2nd House Beginning Planets, it was actually a fantastic year for money. The New and the Stress occurred through commencing my teaching the medical curriculum for the International Academy of Astrology. I had to purchase a laptop computer, I had to learn to use the educational software and I had to organize my medical knowledge. While intensely stressful, I knew that this was an important learning curve for me.

In sharing my experience, I hope that my readers will come to understand what is taking place in their lives. The lost feeling is only the predecessor of upcoming changes, important changes that will eventually lead to a great paradigm shift in 2012 when there are important great shifts in consciousness as denoted by changes in astrological points:

  1. 2012 is the beginning of the 11-year cycle called Solar Max
  2. Neptune enters its ruling sign of Pisces
  3. Transpluto, which entered Leo in 1938, will enter its ruling sign of Virgo
  4. The Galactic Center will enter 27 degrees Sagittarius
  5. The great Royal Fixed Star, Regulus, will leave Leo and enter the sign of Virgo.
  6. The Great Uranus-Pluto (square) alignment – the Great Conjunction having occurred in the 1960s.

The theory of the Mayan Calendar is not singular to the Mayans. These Great Synodic cycles are found in the ancient texts of China, Samaria, Egypt and many others.

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