Entity name: Susan G. Komen for the Cure Advocacy Alliance
Filing #: 800866441
State Tax Id#: 32033678098
Entity type: Domestic Nonprofit Corporation
Date of Filing: September 4, 2007 (the time of day is not shown)
Status: in existence
Registered agent: CT Corporation System, 350 N. St. Paul St., Ste. 2900,
Dallas, Texas 75201
Entity address: same as above
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2) Brinker’s book “Promise Me: How a Sister’s Love Launched the Global Movement to End Breast Cancer” lists the official start date of the organization in the Timeline Section of the book as July 22, 1982 in Dallas, Texas. We have no time for this so we can not comment on house positions and can only speculate on the exact position of the moon. The chart of the announcement set for sunrise of January 31, 2012.
3) Margaret Sanger was born Sept. 14 1879 in Corning NY and died Sept 6 1966 in Tucson AZ.
Another note says that the first clinic was opened on October 16 1916 in
Brooklyn, but closed nine days later and Sanger was arrested.