From ADB Rating B: Rupert Murdoch: Mar 11 1931; 11:59 pm; Melbourne Australia

NewsCorp was incorporated in New York on 12 Nov 2004 — I believe they start trading at 9:30 AM. — astro-article on Murdoch

LONDON — The scandal that has enveloped Rupert Murdoch’s media empire in Britain has widened substantially with reports that two of his newspapers may have bribed police officers or used other potentially illegal methods to obtain information about Queen Elizabeth II and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

LYNN ADDS: What is most interesting to me is Regulus, the Royal Star, leaving the Royal Sign (Leo) and entering Virgo, the working class. With the shift about to occur, many powerful men are falling from power. Many have progressed or natal planets at 29 Leo. No, Rupert does not have anything here but the aspects are: Uranus crosses Eris at 1 Aries; P MC and P Moon conjunct at 0 Sagittarius; P Desc conjuncts Neptune in 9th; Solar Arc Uranus crosses 7th cusp.
He is protected — P Jupiter is starting to trine his Sun

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